Wednesday, June 10, 2009

First iPhone App

Well I got an email overnight to say that my first iPhone app is available for sale. So I am on my way to financial freedom as the hordes download my app :-).

Taekwondo ITF Patterns is an information app which describes how to perform the ten patterns you need to perform to get your black belt. Its got pictures of each step of the pattern and allows you to view them from four different angles. I think the interface works pretty well.

It will be interesting to see how this sells and what marketing I can do with it. Given that its more of an information app, its not really something I feel could be successfully reviewed on one of the many iphone app review sites around the place.

Price point will be interesting. I have priced at $3.99USD to start with. Since this is a specialised app with specific domain knowledge, I feel its justified having a higher price. I know I would easily have paid $3.99USD to have this info with me while I was going for my blackbelt. When I first got the idea for this, there were no comparable apps on iTunes. Just in the last week though I have noticed there is a patterns app, priced at $0.99USD. So already there is pressure to drive the app down in price. However, its content is simply a scan of pages that already exist on the web. It doesn't seek to make that content more accessible as I believe I have done. So at this stage I believe the $3.99USD price is still justifiable.

For the first week I will simply leave it be and see what sort of hits it gets from iTunes. I doubt this will achieve much but since this is my first app, its going to be a learning experience as to what makes sales, what works, etc. Next week I will start to try a few things and see what impact it has.

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