Saturday, October 31, 2009

WPF And Multiple CollectionViews With Filtering

This one drove me nuts for a bit. You can have multiple views against a single data set. So if you have:

ObservableCollection orders;

you could have one view for Late Orders, another view for New Orders, etc.

You do this using collectionviews. However most of the examples you find show something like this:

ListCollectionView view = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(orders);

However, if you create multiple views like this on orders, you will actually still be working off the default view. If you put a filter on one view, that will actually apply to all views. You need to create the view like this:

ListCollectionView view = new ListCollectionView(orders);

Then you can apply filtering to that view without affecting other views.

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